We have recently developed a training programme in collaboration with a tier 1 construction company, one of the major contractors in the UK called Bowmer and Kirkland. They have been a key client of ours for over 20 years and when we were awarded a contract for a major project we underwent a three month due diligence process with Bowmer and Kirkland. We helped develop their inspection and testing plan (ITP) for fire doors, which has since been rolled out across the UK. When we work on any Bowmer and Kirkland project we use a bespoke software system that has been designed specifically to fit within their ITP.

As part of the training we held a fire door awareness day on-site in Bristol for a team of senior managers and staff from Bowmer and Kirkland. We installed two fire doors; one was fitted correctly and in compliance with the relevant regulations, while the second door was deliberately installed to a poor standard. The purpose of this exercise was to raise awareness to those in attendance about what to look out for on their sites when fire doors are fitted. This new-found knowledge would mean they’d know what questions to ask when inspecting the works. The practical demonstration was supported with a training seminar delivered to the team.
The day was a resounding success and following the demonstration we’ve been asked to enhance our training programme offering by adding further courses on other key fire safety awareness matters.