As part of our extensive range of PFP services and due to high demand from clients, we offer fire protection surveys. Fire safety legislation states that all commercial premises in the UK must have their fire protection systems checked regularly by an accredited and approved company. We offer fire protection surveys to new and existing clients on fire doors and compartmentation within their premises.
By using the latest bespoke software we can provide a detailed and accurate report with photography and recommendations on any remedial works required. These reports are a digital record and allow all future inspections and remedial works to be further recorded against the original report, giving a full lifecycle report in accordance with the Government’s new Golden Thread strategy.

We can then provide a quote as a separate document for the costs to carry out any remedial works identified in the report but there is no obligation for the client to choose us for the project. The report is the property of the client and they are free to take that to the open market to source other companies to undertake the remedial works.
Although we encourage clients to research other companies before making a decision, the vast majority will decide to use us and having done so will stay with us for future projects. Even those who choose us initially just for the survey tend to return to us to carry out the work.

We cannot understate the importance of accuracy and the level of expertise of the person carrying out a fire protection survey and the vast majority of those qualified to do so provide an excellent service. However, we have been contacted by clients to carry out work that has been highlighted by surveys from other parties, only for us to discover that more work was needed that hadn’t been identified in the original survey, which is a concern for all parties.
At least clients know our surveys are undertaken by qualified professionals with extensive knowledge in this specialist area, so there are no hidden or expensive surprises when contractors are brought in to complete the remedial work.